Thursday, June 16, 2011

Harvest Prayer Meeting

I just came back from Harvest's Prayer meeting. Wasn't planning on going initially even though Mark asked earlier in the Morning. Last minute God gave me some extra time and first thing I thought of was to go to the prayer meeting.


  1. well how did it go! how'd you like it jason? any tips, thoughts? I hope to make it out next thursday if anyone wants to go!

  2. It went well like a typical Harvest Prayer Meeting( by typical I mean the previous one I went to, over 2 years ago). There was nothing to like or dislike since I went there to pray with other people who share our believe in Christ. I can't detail my experience here but in short, I experienced more than just prayer there.

    I will make the comittment to go if you want to go next week and well just go with an open heart to pray to God. The meeting structure is somewhat loose but it's generally starts with worship and preparing of our hearts and confession of our sins. The pastor sometimes prays and sometimes leads interwoven with music and praise songs. However everyone is just praying at their own pace and you will hear people just walking about praying and shouting praises. I believe sometimes they will breakup into their Lifegroups (sg) and pray. They also pray in toungues and that can be heard all the time. If you read my post on inreach and haven't has any experience with speaking in tongues, this could be a time for you to reflect on your believes and pray to God, with them while they're praying in tongues.

    As for incorporating something from their prayer meeting into ours, I don't have any thoughts on that because that wasn't my idea in joining them in prayer. I've an idea on how I want to lead prayer and I'll just depend on the Holy Spirit to lead me and everyone. If I wanted to be like any part of Harvest, I would have joined Harvest fully.

    So confirm with me a day or two earlier if you wanna go together.

  3. Sounds great Jason. Thanks for going!

    Actually, my experience with larger-than-small corporate prayer meetings is just like what Harvest does. It's open, there's worship, there's prayer being shouted out, people keep either to themselves or in groups, and someone is leading it and praying in between songs and gaps. This is actually what I was trying to do with Wednesday morning prayer, but because of the amount of people that go, it normally doesn't go that way anyway.

    For next year, if we were to schedule chapter-wide prayer meetings, I would imagine the structure would be something similar to what Harvest does (not that it's THEIR structure, just using it as an example). The fact is, you really can't do conversational prayer with 20-30 people (if we are so blessed to have that many people in our chapter go).

    You don't have to commit Jason; go when you wish.

  4. yea i'd like to go next thursday :D

    stinky i haven't been to a wednesday mtg yet, but mark that sounds awesome what you were trying to do. chapter wide prayer mtg next year sounds good too!

  5. I think it was brought up in during the meeting we had that we want prayer to be more integrated into large group and not just a ritual we do at the end. If we could inter-spread prayer with worship during large group that would be great. Our worship team is awesome and I could totally see Caleb grabbing the mic at the end of the song and start praying and everyone will follow.
