Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Start of Something New

Here we go! Post #1

The start of the summer has ushered in a time where God has given us to rest and prepare for the upcoming school year. There is no doubt that there is much work to be done and many things to anticipate, but we are tackling each day one at a time, slowly pushing for the goal. 

I hope all of us will be able use this blog to its fullest potential. The hope is that it is our medium of connection and our way of staying connected with each other and our way of communicating thoughts to each other; it is a place of processing. 

So why did I pick "Illuminations and Revelations" as the blog name? If you had opened up the document that I had sent out a few weeks ago about Leadership Day, the first part of the document discussed the definition of prayer. I used John Piper's definition of prayer:

"Prayer is intentionally conveying a message to God"

Piper asked, "Why don't you just call it communicating to God?" And he replied to his own question by saying that "communicating" sounds like God responding to us with the same method of communication: prayer. The Bible never says that God prays back to us, only we pray to God; it is our one way of communication to Him. God doesn't pray to us, we call it "illumination and revelation". So I thought it was a fitting name to put how God may be "illuminating" our lives as we process His "revelations" on this blog. 

I strongly encourage all of you to post at least once a week. These posts can include anything from interesting readings in QTs, ideas or suggestions for prayer next year, thoughts on a book we're reading, or just daily insights that you have. 

Just a couple of reminders that I had mentioned in the email:
-Tag your posts!
-Post pictures and videos!
-Save the blog on your bookmarks toolbar so you have an easier time accessing it! 

So on a leaving note....

I've always had a small man crush on zac efron...:

no judging :)

anyways, when I think of awesome encouragement when being sent out to further God's kingdom, I think of this guy:

It's not really related, but this guy really knows how to give a pep talk haha.

Here's another great one: 

300 Final Scene - Call To Battle

could not get the video to work...

Until next time!

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